Thursday, April 22, 2010

More new arrivals

Here are some highlights of the last four weeks of field birding:

Double-crested Cormorant- Mar. 31st (Collins Lake) FOS

Swamp Sparrow- Mar. 31st (Vischer Ferry NHP) FOS

Ruby-crowned Kinglet- Apr. 3rd (RamsHorn Livingston Sanctuary) FOS

Eastern Meadowlark- Apr. 4th (Saratoga NHP- South Grasslands) FOS

Hermit Thrush- Apr. 5th (Vischer Ferry NHP) FOS

Palm Warbler- Apr. 5th (Vischer Ferry NHP) FOS

Osprey- Apr. 6th (Vischer Ferry NHP) FOS

Eastern Towhee- Apr. 7th (Albany Pine Bush- Karner Barrens East) FOS

Pine Warbler- Apr. 7th (Albany Pine Bush- Karner Barrens East) FOS

Chipping Sparrow- Apr. 7th (Albany Pine Bush- Karner Barrens East) FOS

Yellow-rumped Warbler- Apr. 8th (Vischer Ferry NHP) FOS

Winter Wren- Apr. 10th (Five Rivers EEC) FOS

Brown Thrasher- Apr. 10th (Five Rivers EEC) FOS

RED-NECKED GREBE - Apr. 11th (Papscanee Island) FOS

Northern Rough-winged Swallow- Apr. 14th (Vischer Ferry NHP) FOS

Louisiana Waterthrush- Apr. 18th (Five Rivers EEC) FOS

Virginia Rail- Apr. 20th (Black Creek Marsh) FOS

VESPER SPARROW- Apr. 20th (Albany Pine Bush- Karner Barrens East) LIFEBIRD


Blue-gray Gnatcatcher- Apr. 21st (Vischer Ferry NHP) FOS

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